AWSN 2018 AGM Final Activity Report



This report is the final report for all AWSN member programs for the 2017- 2018 season.  We ask that for your final report you fill in the following webform and submit it.  If you have an annual report for your organization, there is a space at the end of the webform to submit it (optional).  We do not expect a long report and it should take no longer than 30 minutes (please be mindful of the words "approximately" and "briefly").   


These reports will be compiled and provided to the AWSN membership, for three reasons.  First to educate ourselves and the membership about your organization and the amazing work you have done over the last year.  Second, AWSN strives for communication, collaboration and consultation amongst our member programs.  With the information provided from these activity reports, other member programs can learn from your victories and challenges and hopefully everyone can start working together more cohesively.  Finally, we use this information to collect data for the purposes of marketing, grant applications as well as government reports (volunteer hours are important!)

Please submit your report no later than May 31.


Thank you!


AWSN Executive

AWSN 2018 AGM Final Activity Report

Our Mission: Enabling a culture of diversity and inclusivity through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Programs. AWSN acts as the platform that initiates or supports programs, partners and stakeholders who amplify, magnify, or accelerate systemic and social change within the greater community, allowing all to participate to their full capacity in STEM