
One of the most important things AWSN does is recognize individuals and organizations that are making a difference in the community and/or their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) field. Recognition comes in the form of biographies, mentor stories, Minerva Mentoring Award, AWSN scholarships and educational bursaries.

Minerva Mentoring Award:AWSN recognizes a single individual each year, who has made an inspirational contribution towards the mentoring of women and girls in the areas of STEM.

Athena Outstanding Volunteer Award: In honor of Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour, AWSN offers an annual award to recognize significant contributions made by a volunteer to the AWSN community.

AWSN Scholarship: In 2021 AWSN has partnered with TC Energy to offer up to 10 - $3000 scholarships to STEM students (third year and above post-secondary student) and STEM re-engagers (professionals who have 2+ years career gap).

WinSTEM Week: Join us October 9-15, 2022 to celebrate the careers of Alberta women in STEM. AWSN supports this week-long celebration by communicating the many events held in the province - start planning your event now and submit it here to add to our calendar! WinSTEM week begins the second Tuesday in October, coinciding with Ada Lovelace Day.


Our Mission: Enabling a culture of diversity and inclusivity through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Programs. AWSN acts as the platform that initiates or supports programs, partners and stakeholders who amplify, magnify, or accelerate systemic and social change within the greater community, allowing all to participate to their full capacity in STEM