Minerva Mentoring Award


Nominate for the 2024 Minerva Mentoring Award.

AWSN offers an annual award to recognize significant contributions made towards the mentoring of girls/women of all ages. This award is made to one outstanding mentor of any gender.

How to nominate

To demonstrate that the criteria for this award are met, please describe how your nominee:

  • Has made an impact, or has been an inspiration in your life, or the lives of others, in the area of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
  • Has made this contribution in Alberta, while residing in Alberta. (Does not have to be currently living in Alberta.)

You may also include details about how your nominee:

  • May have made a significant contribution to science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
  • May work for and/or promote the importance of science, technology, engineering or mathematics to the minds of the future:  junior scientists, students and young children; for example, a volunteer who faithfully goes out into the schools to deliver science presentations to inspire upcoming generations.
  • May be a respected professional in their field, someone who has been sought by many individuals, the media or institutions to speak about issues related to the promotion of science and/or the impact of decisions made by the provincial/federal governments.
  • May be an advocate in advancing issues pertaining to recruitment and retention of women in science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
  • May have been the recipient of other awards.
  • May have served as a mentor or organizer for a number of years in an Alberta association of women in science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

Nominations must include:

  • Nominator and Nominee contact information
  • Nomination letter
  • Nominee CV/Resume
  • Optional: up to 2 reference letters

Please submit your nomination package by August 31, 2024.  If you are not able to submit online, please send an email to awards@awsn.org indicating that your hard copy nomination is en route to our mailing address: 

AWSN, Attention: Minerva Mentoring Award Committee Box 1, 223 12th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2R 0G9.

A mentor can be of any gender. All submissions become the property of AWSN.

As an acknowledgment of the work that is required to prepare a nomination package, nominations will remain valid for two years (the year the nomination is submitted and for the following calendar year).

Past Winners

2002: Dr. Elizabeth Cannon

2004: Fred Stewart

2005: Dr. Janet Ronsky

2006: Dr. Chan Wirasinghe

2007: Dr. Helen Madill

2008: Dr. Josephine Hill

2009: Dr. Denise Hemmings

2010: Anita Rossall

2011: Dr. Ute Wieden-Kothe

2012: Dr. Linda Rehaa-Kranez

2014: Ingrid Pederson

2015: Dr. Lisa Carter

2016: Dr. Margaret Ann Armour

2017: Kim Burley

2018: Dr. Laleh Behjat

2019: Jocelyn Keith-Asante

2020: Dr. Ania Ulrich

2021: Dr. Cheryl Cable

2022: Deanna Burgart

2023: Eva Drivet



Our Mission: Enabling a culture of diversity and inclusivity through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Programs. AWSN acts as the platform that initiates or supports programs, partners and stakeholders who amplify, magnify, or accelerate systemic and social change within the greater community, allowing all to participate to their full capacity in STEM