
Submit your 2018 WinSTEM Event

Send an email to to have it included on our website!

Please includes the following information: 

1) How did you find out about WinSTEM week? 

2) Title of event

3) Event Host (organization hosting)

4) Which day is the event?  
- Tuesday Oct 9
- Wednesday Oct 10
- Thursday Oct 11
- Friday Oct 12

5) Start Time

6) End time

7) Description of the Event

8) Web page addresses 

9) e-mail addresses

Our Mission: Enabling a culture of diversity and inclusivity through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Programs. AWSN acts as the platform that initiates or supports programs, partners and stakeholders who amplify, magnify, or accelerate systemic and social change within the greater community, allowing all to participate to their full capacity in STEM